Founded by Tan Sri Datuk Seri Utama Ooi Huat Beng in 2007, SNI Group of Companies'
mission is to with the best quality of health and beauty products and delivers a pathway for
you to grow, to be a valued partner and a better pathway together as one.
e the inception
of the company, SNI has successfully developed a few ranges of functional health food such
as natural colostrum milk, fiber detox drink and collagen drink.In recent years with the
advanced technology and extensive knowledge of colostrum, SNI has successfully
incorporated colostrum into skincare and become the pioneer in Asia to formulate skincare
with colostrum together with antioxidant ingredients.
At the same time, SNI also expands
another line of business that focuses on food and beverage.SNI exports its own brand of
products to various countries including the Philippines, Nigeria, Indonesia and China and in
the process of expanding into other Asian countries.